Saturday, November 24, 2018

Race: Scarecrow [Second Draft]

The first draft of the scarecrow was remarkably on-point! Very little needed to be changed, which is something I always appreciate.

I love making D&D races in particular. There's something fun about the lore-writing, which I don't typically get to do. Races, for obvious reasons, get much more lore than general class options, and making a race gives me much more time to create a compelling reason to play that character.

Scarecrows in particular are interesting to me. Not only are they a construct race, which I adore, but they're horror-themed. They're twisted abominations of their former selves, so far-gone they've forgotten who they even were.

It's a fun character for me, personally, to play, because it begs the question: Where does the character go from here?


  • Not that much! Changed how fire vulnerability works, added a passive racial ability that literally scares crows, and a sidebar for how scarecrows and witches interact.
  • New art by Doug Wright!
  • Also not that much! Scarecrows, previously, were fairly balanced, and this iteration doesn't shake up that formula too much.
  • I want to make another construct race! Expect more in the future!

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