Saturday, November 17, 2018

Subrace: Tabaxi Variants [First Draft]

Available on the DM's Guild (pay what you want) at this link!

Cats! Everyone loves cats! The people who tell you they don't are, frankly, liars.

Tabaxi are one of my favorite races in canon D&D, and they're a ton of fun to play. But one thing I noticed is how many people fluff their tabaxi out to be a certain kind of cat. You've got hairless cat tabaxi, big huge lion tabaxi, cute fluffy housecat tabaxi, the list goes on!

So, I thought, what if I went into the Volo's Guide to Monsters rules for tabaxi, and tweaked them, so that they'd be able to have subraces? 

What if I took the cats we already had, and used them to make even more cats?

Here's the result, with artwork from the fabulous Ashley Irelan, whose portfolio you can find by clicking her name!


  • Five new tabaxi subraces! From lions, to lynxes, to housecats!
  • Distinct subrace features for each, to make different cats play like different cats.
  • The core race may not have as much unifying meat left on its bones as I would like.
  • Turning a race into subraces is fun, and not as difficult as it would seem! I'll have to try it more often.

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