Saturday, November 18, 2017

Stronghold Expansion: Patreon Rooms [ROUGH DRAFT]

November's Patreon-backer reward is here!

This month, I made a collection of five new rooms for Strongholds, all which have been requested multiple times by fans and followers. And, not to pat myself on the back too hard, but these are some of my favorite rooms so far, having really cool themes and being applicable to a wide variety of strongholds. So far, we have:


  • The Maze: A great way to get your enemies lost! Feeding to a minotaur or other monster is optional.
  • The Meditation Chamber: Cool off, relax, and get some extra ki while you're at it. 
  • The Portal Conflux: Ever wanted a series of wormholes to transport you wherever you please? Well, now it's yours. 
  • The Safe Room: The world outside is a scary place, but you don't have to be there! Find perfect safety in a hidden room made of solid mithril that contains all the amenities of life.
  • The Topiary Garden: Human servants got you down? Grow your own! And then, as an added bonus, glue them together Voltron-style to make a giant attack tree!

  • Maze is pretty good, but it's also very situational. Were it not for that last point, it'd definitely be worth 2 room points. 
  • The Safe Room and Topiary Garden may have hidden side effects living in their verbage. Probably not, but editing is appreciated!

  • I've got a lot more strongholds content left in me! I've got a great idea for a much larger expansion, but that'll come later on. 


  1. I can't review this because I'm poor.
    Damn capitalism.

    1. Sorry. Wish I could give it out for free, but homebrewers gotta eat too. =(

  2. 1. Will this ever be made available for free?
    If not I think I'm gonna have to join that patreon
    2. I have used the strongholds homebrew kit thing in my campaigns for awhile now and I have a bunch of ideas for it if you are ever short on ideas youself.
