Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Class: The Augmented [Second Draft]

The Augmented was always a promising concept but, as one of my first full classes, not one I feel I executed initially very well. It had a handful of balance issues that needed solving, and stepped on a few toes.

But, more importantly, it had great thematic potential, and a well-defined space that allowed it to exist as a distinct class!

Converting it to v0.2 required a few crucial changes, most of which I'll elaborate briefly on in the changelog.


  • Streamlined level progression, keeping front-end from being too heavy
  • Rolled Overdrive and Shield Matrix into subclasses, to keep the class from having too many tools
  • Rebalanced several key augments
  • Added integrated weapon augments into the core battlefist design
  • The class still occupies a distinctly science-fiction thematic niche. I don't think this is strictly forbidden in D&D, but it's definitely on the far side of acceptable.
  • I accidentally released this one before I planned to! I need to be more careful with which version of files I upload, when.

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